Financial Wellness
Over 50% of households that make $250K a year are struggling financially. They have no stability when it comes to financial wellness. You see, it doesn't matter what gender you are, how much you earn, where you live, or where you work; financial challenges impact us all. A few years ago over 40% of hourly workers did not have enough money to cover an unexpected medical expense. Last year, over 73% of Millenials felt they would never have enough to retire. Today, over 50% of GenZ chose to live with their parents to avoid the high cost of housing. And, over the past 6 months, Baby boomers have lost an average of 25% of their retirement value as the market has changed. Financial stress affects every generation. While it may affect them differently, it is a big issue. And this issue impacts our mental wellness and our physical fitness. That doesn't help things get any better. There needs to be a path toward financial stability, but what is it? Where does it start? And how can we all take advantage of it? Many experts believe that financial wellness begins with improved education, and, at an early age. I am not sure there are many of us who where taught how to make a budget, balance a bank account or plan for choosing the right retirement stocks and investments. And certainly, there isn't much proactive education happening for our kids pertaining to crypto. If no one is talking about it, how do we make it a conversation that happens daily? Find out how to master your financial future when you tune into LiftOff with Jeanniey Walden
Liftoff Journeys Podcast Episode 10: Uncovering the Secrets to Networking with LinkedIn and TikTok with Samantha Barkho!
Today’s guest is Samantha (Sam) Barkho, a former intern of Jeannieys, who just started a hard-won position as a Junior Marketing Associate at L’Oréal, Maybelline DMI EYE. Sam is fluent in Arabic, and loves marketing and social media content creation – especially TikTok. She received her undergraduate BS degree focused in Marketing from Montclair State University & minored in business relationships and professional selling. Sam shares stories from her intense networking job search blitz on LinkedIn, the frustration she felt getting ghosted repeatedly, being a self-described “Covid college kid” learning online, and her love of social media and tips for creating more relatable TikTok content. Authentic, inspirational and relatable discussions…
Liftoff Journeys Podcast Episode 9: From Bullied to Bold – Edutainment Entrepreneur Scilla Andreen
Today’s guest is Scilla Andreen, CEO & Co-Founder of iNDIEFLIX and Founder of iMPACTFUL. Scilla shares her personal story of being bullied as a child, wanting to stay invisible and unseen for decades, and finally finding her voice to advocate for others through edutainment content. Scilla is an award-winning producer, director, author, entrepreneur, speaker, and parent. She works with corporations, nonprofits and thousands of schools around the world, using story to bond, bridge, and model empathy to build a more empathetic community. Her work has been featured in The New York Times Good Morning America and Today. Scilla is a popular speaker at Sundance, Cannes, CES, SXSW, BeBold, Women in…
Liftoff Journeys Podcast Ep 8: From Russia with Love – Startups, Spies, and Kindness – Sergei Kopelev
Today’s LiftOff podcast guest is Sergio Kopelev, VP of Engagement Management at Stroz Friedberg. A cybercrime and digital forensics company. Sergio was born in Moscow and emigrated to the US as a Jewish refugee with his family in the 70s. He grew up in one of the poorest neighborhoods in Brooklyn. After a scrape with the law as a gang member, he went on to become a highly decorated police detective. Dubbed a ‘pioneer cyber cop’ by the Washington Times newspaper, Sergio created one of this country’s first Internet Crimes taskforces. He is now a consultant, screenwriter and serial entrepreneur in the process of creating two startups. “TradeMarket Adventures” is…
Liftoff Journeys Podcast Ep 6: Top Leaders Share Secrets for Creating IMPACT
Today Jeanniey interviews four successful, impactful business leaders in a single four-part episode. You’ll hear from Lauren Peters, Brand Leader formerly at SalesForce, Doug Frederick, CEO of Health Cues, Nam Nguyen, Architect & Founder of Nom Nom Data, and Daniel Langer, Founder and CEO of Equite’. Jeanniey spends a quick ten minutes with each guest, discussing what their company is all about, how they provide value to their customers, exciting developments and innovations, and sharing a little advice for others in their industry spaces. Authentic, inspirational and relatable discussions with inspirational business leaders, gaining insight into what inspires them and how they got to where they are today. These conversations…
- Brand, Featured, Financial Wellness, Lifestyle, Mental Wellness, Physical Fitness, Relationships, Technology
What is Liftoff with Jeanniey Walden?
“Liftoff with Jeanniey Walden” is a new and refreshing, nationally syndicated TV show. The show helps viewers make the most of their personal and professional life. Every viewer enjoys learning how to navigate in a world of work-life blend through AIR (authentic, inspirational and relatable) content. You can watch Liftoff on New York’s WLNY (NY55), Tampa (CW44), Atlanta (CW69) and stream it ONNJ in NJ, YouTube, Indieflix and on Amazon Prime video. Liftoff with Jeanniey Walden reaches over 11M households twice a month. The “Liftoff with Jeanniey Walden” TV show brings you the best experts, sound advice and newest technology to help you personally and professionally. Throughout her entire life,…
Discover the Top Technology at CES 2023
Every year the Consumer Electronic Show brings together top technology, top discussions and top speakers. The showcase is meant to demonstrate how our world is using technology to change for the better. Discover the top technology at CES 2023 on LiftOff with Jeanniey Walden. Maybe you are creating a new type of TV resolution or using AI to help parent’s monitor their babies more securely. Or, you have found a way to optimize the way your car or boat runs. Whatever the case, CES will have something exciting to show you. Expect the unexpected Last year I attended CES and was blown away at the products shown. I’m not sure…
Making “Working Out” – “Pay Out”
A viewer told me that she loves physical fitness so much that she wishes she could find a way to get paid to workout. She doesn’t want to be a trainer, just to workout. Intrigued by this thought I went on a search to find great ways to help make her dreams come true. And, thanks to the team at MillenialMoney I’ve listed them below. Tune into our Spring season of LiftOff with Jeanniey Walden to hear what other fitness experts have to say on this topic. 1. HealthyWage HealthyWage is an app that lets you invest in your own ability to lose weight. That includes eating right and maintaining a…