Financial Wellness
Over 50% of households that make $250K a year are struggling financially. They have no stability when it comes to financial wellness. You see, it doesn't matter what gender you are, how much you earn, where you live, or where you work; financial challenges impact us all. A few years ago over 40% of hourly workers did not have enough money to cover an unexpected medical expense. Last year, over 73% of Millenials felt they would never have enough to retire. Today, over 50% of GenZ chose to live with their parents to avoid the high cost of housing. And, over the past 6 months, Baby boomers have lost an average of 25% of their retirement value as the market has changed. Financial stress affects every generation. While it may affect them differently, it is a big issue. And this issue impacts our mental wellness and our physical fitness. That doesn't help things get any better. There needs to be a path toward financial stability, but what is it? Where does it start? And how can we all take advantage of it? Many experts believe that financial wellness begins with improved education, and, at an early age. I am not sure there are many of us who where taught how to make a budget, balance a bank account or plan for choosing the right retirement stocks and investments. And certainly, there isn't much proactive education happening for our kids pertaining to crypto. If no one is talking about it, how do we make it a conversation that happens daily? Find out how to master your financial future when you tune into LiftOff with Jeanniey Walden
Jarrett Preston: Author of Billions Under Pressure & CEO of IDONEUS on Liftoff with Jeanniey Walden
Jarret Preston, author of “Billions Under Pressure” and CEO of @idoneusglobal joins us today on Liftoff with Jeanniey Walden. He brings us the top three strategies for protecting your wealth in todays turbulent times. Previous methods no longer work as well as they used to and diversification isn’t enough anymore. Listen to Jarrett as he dives into 3 strategies for protecting your wealth today. Purchase his book here:… Connect on Linkedin:… Visit IDONEUS: If you love what you are seeing, please subscribe, like, and comment.
Unleashing Fearless Entrepreneurship: Tara’s Approach to Business Success
Today’s guest is Tara Ackaway, CEO and Founder of Social Wise Communications LLC, an award winning public relations and social media firm based in New Jersey. She is an entertainment publicist, talent manager and social media strategist. Tara and her team assist businesses both large and small, non-profit organizations and are instrumental in launching large scale events, brand collaborations and so much more. She helps to tell their stories and achieve “buzz” by developing and implementing innovative ideas to identify new customers and build loyalty among existing customers. Tara’s clients have been featured by Good Morning America, Bravo TV, Netflix, The Drew Barrymore Show, Forbes, People, Black Enterprise, The New…
It’s never too late to take the risk! Liftoff with Jeanniey Walden Season 1 Episode 6
The @Liftoffwithjeanniey TV show improves your quality of life, personally and professionally! On episode six you can expect to enjoy an informative 30 minute show with the perfect blend of authentic, inspirational and relatable discussions. The show airs: Wednesday the 31st on ONNJ at 12:00pm | Friday the 26th WTOG/CW Tampa at 8:30am and Saturday at 27th on WUPA/CW Atlanta at 9:00am. And for our NYC listeners watch us on @WLNYTV1055 and @RokuUS May 27th at 11:30am!! Watch the entire episode, or skip to the chapters you love most. Who was your favorite guest this episode? Let us know in the comments! 00:00 Liftoff with #JeannieyWalden Intro 00:46 Learn how…
The Liftoff with Jeanniey Walden TV Show: Season 1 Episode 5, 5/12/23
Leveraging TV to Build Your Brand and Content Library in a Powerful (and Cost Effective) Way
It’s not enough in today’s world to simply create content and look to influencers to share your message. To stand out, companies need to create content with a broad and powerful distribution plan that allows them to maintain control of their message, while appearing that they are letting go. Remember that old saying if a tree falls in the forest doesn’t anyone hear it? The same can be said with content today. Think about it, if a great Instagram reel doesn’t get views, did it even happen? Everything is different now The new world content order is challenging creative teams to think differently for sure but they aren’t the only…
Liftoff Journeys Podcast Episode 14: Leading with Communication in the World of B2B Tech – Tips from Patrick Ward
Today’s guest is Patrick Ward, VP of Marketing for Rootstrap, a custom software development consultancy that digitally transforms companies like MasterClass & Google, along with A-List Celebrities like Tony Robbins & Snoop Dogg. Patrick is also the Founder of NanoGlobals, an expert-led platform that helps mid-size tech companies tap into global markets through remote hiring, offshoring, and international market expansion. In this episode, you’ll hear about Patrick’s degree hopping experience that led him to the world of B2B Tech, how he leads with communication and connection, the power of analogies, and the key communication elements to share with your CFO. Authentic, inspirational and relatable discussions with inspirational business leaders, gaining…
Liftoff Journeys Podcast Episode 13: Experience is the Key to Executive Success – Learn from Mike Baer!
Today’s guest is Michael Baer a trusted thought leader and innovative global information services developer who most recently was a special advisor with DailyPay. Prior to that Michael was a managing editor overseeing domestic and international payroll news and analysis with Bloomberg Tax, previously BNA. He gained experience in payroll and human resources with Marriott, and later was the personnel manager for the Shanghai Hilton. Experience is the Key to Executive Success – Learn from Mike Baer in Episode 13! Now, Michael specializes in elevating brand awareness and content creation for educational and promotional purposes, resulting in increased revenue and market-best customer satisfaction. In this episode, you’ll hear about Michael’s…
The Liftoff with Jeanniey Walden TV Show: Season 1 Episode 4, 4/28/23
The Liftoff with Jeanniey Walden TV Show: Season 1 Episode 3, 4/14/23
Liftoff Journeys Podcast Episode 12: Step Back and Leap with Executive Coach & Author Patrick Mork
Today’s guest is Patrick Mork, founder of LEAP, Motivational speaker and author of a new book on personal transformation: Step Back and LEAP. Patrick’s passion is coaching start-up and scale up founders and CEO’s and helping them become purpose-driven, responsible leaders bent on solving society’s biggest challenges. Clients have included Walmart, Liberty Media, Scotiabank, Falabella as well as many of Latin America’s fastest-growing unicorns. Prior to starting LEAP, Patrick spent 25 years in marketing, 10 years of which were in Silicon Valley, and built marketing teams at multiple startups as well as Google where he created and launched Google Play store in 2012. In this episode, you’ll hear about Patrick’s…